Residential Price ( limited space including full English Breakfast) £240
Non Residential Price £ 199 including BBQ
The courses start at 10am and finish between 4 and 5pm
Please note that the training days are weather dependent and the structure of the day may change due to rain.
Each person will have the opportunity to undertake two full inspection and bee manipulations.
Saturday June 3rd
Theory – Biology of Bees
Parts of the Bee Hive
Practical -Making a Frame
Practical session :Finding the Queen Bee
Summary and Evening BBQ
Sunday June 4th
Theory on diseases and bee health
Conducting a Hive Inspection
Practical Practising Hive Inspection
Theory : The Bee Year Calendar
Demonstration : The Honey Extraction process
Summary of the past two days and knowledge test
There is the opportunity to buy a Hive and take bees home with you at the end
The aim of this course is to give you as much hands on practical experience that is possible over a two day session.
The objective is that you go away feeling an lot more confident in your ability to handle bee’s and at the end of the weekend may well have become a beekeeper. There is real opportunity for this to happen as hives and bees are for sale on Sunday
There may be some repetition, but this is necessary for you to be able to gain the skills and confidence to handle bee’s on your own.
To reserve your place, please email me. peterklauza@gmail.com