Come and meet the bee's!Peter KlauzaMar 17, 20201 min readYou ought to be excited. Without bee's there would be no life on earth, no crops, no flowers, nothing to eat.Today Spring arrived......Want to know how I know?Bee's burst into life and emerged into the city of LeicesterBee excited
You ought to be excited. Without bee's there would be no life on earth, no crops, no flowers, nothing to eat.Today Spring arrived......Want to know how I know?Bee's burst into life and emerged into the city of LeicesterBee excited
Bee's and DubaiYou may wonder why I am writing about Dubai, well, surprisingly enough they actually keep bee’s there and the International Meeting of...
Winter UpdateIf you are looking for a good stocking filler presents this year there is no better choice than pure beeswax candles. I’ve made and sold...
Preparing for WinterIf you own bee's there are two things you must do this year Wrap your hives with insulation, or use an insulation board and feed your...