Hello there
My name is Peter Klauza and I'm a
beekeeper and expert when it comes to bees and hive management and production. I've been keeping bee's for years and last year had well over a million.
As well as manufacturing bee hives , selling home bred limited supplies of bee's, Queens and honey I can offer instructional courses. Included in these are special one off unforgettable Birthday experience which are totally unique and pre book able if you call me.
I have years of practical bee keeping experience which I am happy to pass onto you so am perfectly poised to explain the joys of beekeeping to you.
The ethical company is so named because:
We use use sustainable wood
We use reclaimed material on hives
We recycle all our jars
We breed our own queens
We never kill Queen cells
Our Bees Mate naturally
We do not Mark our Queens, nor clip their wings
We take the minimal amount of honey from each hive to manage colonies effectively
We care for this world and our bee's
We care for the environment and only work with committed beekeepers who have the skills to develop their colonies in a healthy
ethical way, using our methodologies and advice.